Posts Tagged ‘revolution’

Salvador Allende and ‘The Battle of Chile’

‘The Battle of Chile’ is one of the greatest records of a revolutionary political moment ever filmed

The disorder of Spanish politics

Spain is up in arms, again, with revolution in the air

On Obama’s second big Middle East speech

There has been a revolution in the Arab world but, thus far, no revolution in American thinking

Talking with Lila Azam Zanganeh about Nabokov and happiness

Finding a kindred spirit on the rich cultural heritage lost to exile

Osama bin Laden killed after 3,519 days of freedom

Osama bin Laden is dead but it is the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions that are killing Al Qaeda

Another dinosaur nears the end, this time in Yemen

Yemen is a hard place to govern but Ali Abdullah Saleh has done a poor job of it all the same

Reading the Times on the architectural symbolism of Cairo

Much right and a few key things wrong about Tahrir Square in Cairo, the center of the revolution

Little Red Book by Mao Tse-tung, second edition, 1967

The rare second edition of Mao’s famous book, with a foreword by Lin Biao before he fell from grace

The truth about the Egyptian military

In the revolution, Egyptian reverence for the military shamed them into not opening fire. Now what happens?

How can early-20th century Russia be in color?

The early color photography that changes our view not just of the world but of time

Libya and the end of the neo-colonial argument

Libyans have asked the international community for help; there’s no colonial aggression in doing it

What is in Gaddafi’s Green Book, Part One

In his infamous Green Book, Gaddafi offers his unorthodox solutions to the problem of democracy

What is in Gaddafi’s Green Book, Part Two

In his infamous Green Book, Gaddafi offers his unorthodox solutions on socialism and society

Reading the New Yorker on Islam and economic growth

The middle class everywhere competes on skills; in Egypt connections matter most. That’s the problem

The scene in liberated Benghazi in eastern Libya

The first detailed images out of Libya show thousands in Benghazi celebrating Gaddafi’s demise

Look in his glasses: Gaddafi speaks to no one

Gaddafi speaks but you can see the reflection in his sunglasses: he has no audience.

The surreal experience of visiting Libya

With a Libyan human rights activist, racing through the Tripoli medina alleys to avoid eavesdroppers

From Egypt with love

If you’ve spent time in Egypt, the human warmth of this video will be familiar; if you haven’t, go

The Muslim Brotherhood had a monopoly. Can they compete?

Mubarak gave the Muslim Brotherhood an unnatural monopoly on opposition. Can they compete?

Triumph at last in Midan at-Tahrir

These 18 days of protests constitute the most beautiful political act I have ever witnessed