Tracking how the Egyptian government is doing
Before the revolution, Egypt had no politics. Now it does, and the small things matter

Pay no attention to these anti-American protests in Cairo
I was in Cairo 48 hours ago: there is no great wave of anti-Americanism right now

In Syria, the sectarian atrocities will commence shortly
Atrocities are tactical, deployed to shore up loyalty. Moments like this are when they are used

The Egyptian Angel of Darkness passes away
For the US, Omar Suleiman was ‘our man in Cairo.’ That only makes it worse

Mubarak dead. Revolution critical.
The regime has already demonstrated it can survive without Mubarak

On the Egypt revolution and America’s War of 1812
A bad week in Egypt, but profound political change can take a very long time

Looking at the war in Syria
Unlike Gaddafi, Assad has international allies who will protect him so this is likely to get worse

What made Khaled Saeed a symbol?
All humans are imperfect but imperfect symbols don’t work: they get vilified for political purposes

In Egypt right now, it is practically Bush vs Gore
A Mohamed Morsy and Ahmed Shafiq runoff would crush those who believed in the revolution

On Egypt’s first (sort of) free and fair presidential election
For the first time ever in Egypt, no one knows in advance who will win the presidency

Vietnam Chante revolutionary songs, Paris, France, c1967
Employing everything from martial chants to opera in support of revolution in Vietnam

Al Jazeera goes undercover in Syria
Al Jazeera has become the essential media; even US networks that demonize it rely on its video feed

Why is it so hard to get word out of Syria?
Homs is bad enough but what is happening right now in Aleppo, in Suweida, in Deir ez-Zur?

Did Yemen just have a revolution?
Ali Abdullah Saleh is out at last but it looks like the Saleh regime remains

Caught in the middle of a firefight in Syria
A terrifyingly close view of what it means to fight an irregular war in the middle of a city

Ahmed Basiony and the cost of revolution
The protesters in Tahrir Square preached non-violence, but the Mubarak regime did not

One year on in Egypt: Art, Politics and Power
The Egyptian revolution happened in the middle of my Egypt novel and I didn’t know what to do about it

The Egyptian police beat protesters senseless
The video is hard to watch but it shows why freedom in Egypt has not yet been won

What to make of the elections in Egypt?
Millions turned out, but will the electoral process prove worthy of the hopes invested in it?

Egypt votes today, but it’s a mess
The elections were badly organized, the military undermined them, but turnout has been significant

What is going on with the Arab League?
They actually did something. Sanctions on Syria won’t work, but it’s a miracle all the same

The truth revealed, at last, in Tahrir Square
The military was always an obstacle to democracy. Now everyone can see that