Don’t do this, Washington Post!
The Post asks “Hit job or gossip?” about their owner, but doesn’t have the answer

The fall of men at the NYRB
Surely #MeToo should also be about educating men in their 60s like Ian Buruma rather than driving them out

The continuing glory of the New York Review of Books
The New York Review was always great, but it may be even better under new editor Ian Buruma

Ta-Nehisi Coates is wrong about Trump voters
True, for many race defined this campaign but stating that bluntly won’t win them back

The generosity of the Quebec City eulogy
After the massacre at a Quebec City mosque, a lesson in how to defeat hate

The late Omar Sharif in a magazine called Alive
I remember Omar Sharif best for a 1997 interview in a forgotten magazine in Cairo

Bashar al-Assad stonewalls Charlie Rose
Charlie Rose gets in a theater of the absurd debate with Assad and loses

The amazing marginalia of In Search of Fatima
A reader hostile to everything lets her feelings be known

Looking for Ukrainians to lead the separatist movement
Santa Claus and a dog whisperer among those leading the Ukrainian separatist movement

The New York Times shuts down India Ink
The Times gives up being local everywhere, returns to the parochial interests of a US audience

Why we still need newspapers
How a New York Times investigation of Walmart in Mexico changed the future of retail in India

Where the non-Christian Americans are
Christians abound but that does not make the US a Christian country

Were the Turks behind the sarin gas attacks in Syria?
Obama publicly blamed Assad but Seymour Hersh contends Erdoğan was trying to force an attack

98.1% of Egyptians vote for the Sisi constitution
By comparison, Mubarak only claimed 88.6% of Egyptians voted for him in his last election in 2005

Two constitutions, one triumph
Tunisia got it right with their new constitution while Egypt reverted to old authoritarian habits

Why hatred is easier than reason
Passion — even when wrong — stirs more than reason, which is why prejudice is so powerful

Robin Wright carves up the Middle East
Wright is wrong and her analysis risks looking prescriptive rather than descriptive

Draft articles of impeachment for Morsi now
Even elected leaders can lose their legitimacy; Egypt needs a legal statement to that effect

Egypt Independent is strangled in its crib
Independent journalism is a bad business everywhere but in Egypt politics makes it worse

Israel, Prisoner X, and widely known secrets
Israeli denials about the anonymous prisoner who committed ‘suicide’ confirm how valuable he was

Wal-Mart de Mexico; or, why we need newspapers
The New York Times digs deep for a piece of great journalism. What might they do in Egypt or India?

Bal Thackeray dying in India, violence expected
Of course it is: violence is the Shiv Sena default reaction to anything they don’t like