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My journals on September 11th, 2001

I still can’t believe how slowly I grasped the scale of what was happening that day

Are American conservatives the new French?

Libya suggests that conservatives want chest-beating glory more than they want success

In Egypt, the disillusionment sets in

Egypt had half a revolution that now needs to be made whole

Mabrouk, ya Seif al-Islam!

Gaddafi’s son shows up in the night. Did he accidentally reveal where his father is hiding?

They are dancing in Tripoli

Suddenly, the rebels have taken the heart of Libya’s capital and Gaddafi’s end is near

And God will give Gov. Rick Perry a dog whistle

Yesterday’s prayer rally gave us Rick Perry, sectarian leader, dooming his shot at the presidency

The wisdom of the New York Times comments section

Times readers know the debt ceiling debate is bogus, but it works on them anyway

Into the darkness of the New York Times comments section

The central challenge for a superpower: strong views, little knowledge, limitless power to intervene

Seeing the Ryan Trecartin exhibit at PS1

His tedious stories replicate like fractals in a surfeit of superficially distinct artistic choices

Is this really Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh?

And what was he thinking he’d gain from appearing on TV like this?

Philippe Petit’s new act and a Keralan puppeteer

A Keralan puppeteer, the last known practitioner of her art, performs a high wire act of her own

President Ali Abdullah Saleh finally leaves Yemen

It is a shame for Saleh, and Yemen, that it took violence to get him out

Mubarak on trial: should the past be prosecuted?

Forgetting the past is unacceptable, but so too is shelving it through superficial justice

On Obama’s second big Middle East speech

There has been a revolution in the Arab world but, thus far, no revolution in American thinking

Remembering Studs Terkel

It would have been the great oral historian’s 99th birthday today

Osama bin Laden killed after 3,519 days of freedom

Osama bin Laden is dead but it is the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions that are killing Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden still free 3,514 days later

What is most astonishing is that there is no public pressure whatsoever to capture him

The strange structures off Italy’s Adriatic coast

Italy’s trabocchi fishing platforms are of mythical origin. Are they related to ones in India?

The truth about the Egyptian military

In the revolution, Egyptian reverence for the military shamed them into not opening fire. Now what happens?

Libya and the end of the neo-colonial argument

Libyans have asked the international community for help; there’s no colonial aggression in doing it

The truth about travel guidebooks

They are no joy to write and they don’t change as much as you think

Prospects for social justice and economic reform in Egypt

Why social justice in Egypt demands more economic reform — true reform, this time — not less

Triumph at last in Midan at-Tahrir

These 18 days of protests constitute the most beautiful political act I have ever witnessed

Where the Egypt revolution began

Egypt’s current demonstrations build on years of work by civil society groups